
Coming from a corporate background, Jacklyn has journeyed on a high speed transformation process the last few years. Via yoga, meditation and massage she reconnected with a part of herself that she had neglected for a long time. When going down this path she realized she no longer wanted to work in a fast paced environment. She did her massage training at the ‘Akademie voor Massage en Beweging’, and further specialized in pregnancy and postpartum massage.

Jacklyn’s massages truly reflect her personality. They are strong, grounded and present but with a very gentle & flowy appearance. What makes Jacklyn so special is that she really understands the base principle of connection. In order to connect to others, you need to connect to yourself first. Being present with herself and with others is a daily practice for her. 

Jacklyn likes beautiful aesthetics. She finds peace in organizing things (her bookshelf and the apps on her phone are color-coordinated for instance). Maybe that’s because she became a mom to three boys in 1,5 years and her life is quite chaotic at the moment. 


Currently reading

Een lieve klap voor je kop

On bucket list

A little cabin in the woods

Travel Hotspot

The playground

Last training

Coaching at Nederlandse Academie voor Psychotherapie

Guilty pleasure

A warm almond croissant from Five Ways

Other passions

Birth & making lists ;-)

  • “Fantastic massage by Jacklyn, really deep tissue, focussing on areas that needed attention, releasing tension from my muscles. Also very hospitable, kind and professional. Best in town.”

    - Caspar Diederik

  • “Jacklyn is een echte vakvrouw! Ze is betrokken, flexibel en bovenal ze kan heel goed masseren. Ze voelt perfect aan wat ik nodig heb. Alles wordt in overleg gedaan en tijdens de behandeling houdt ze contact met je over de voortgang en of het prettig is.”

    - Daphne van Dijk

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