
Vanessa's skilled and firm touch offers an effective remedy for stress relief and muscle relaxation. Drawing upon her expertise as a sports massage therapist, she also integrates the principles of Shiatsu, a traditional Eastern pressure point technique. Employing these dual methodologies, she skillfully eases your body into a state of relaxation and comfort.

Whether you prefer a strong or gentle approach, deep tissue or superficial treatment, or a focus on energy or anatomical precision, Vanessa is adept at tailoring her techniques to alleviate your stress effectively.

Vanessa has also been working for years as a freelance street and stage performer. She is a multi-talented artist proficient in various performing arts such as stilt walking, fire performance, acrobatics, and aerial acrobatics. Additionally, she blends these skills with a wide array of characters and personas or creatures that she has portrayed in performances around the world. Her outgoing and spontaneous personality consistently captivates and wins over audiences wherever she performs.


Currently reading

Yellow Emperor Classic of Medicine

On bucket list

Survival Hiking in Canada

Travel Hotspot


Last training

Iokai Shiatsu

Guilty pleasure

Chocolate and all kinds of sweets

Other passions

Inline skating, Performing, Outdoors

  • Great experience massage, my tension on shoulder and back have been released. The massage therapist was attentive and focused. I really recommend it!

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